Volcan Mountain Foundation

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San Diego County, California

Sunday, August 4th, 2013-Coast to Crest Challenge Series; Volcan Mountain Hike

Coast to Crest Challenge Series presented by friends and partners of the Volcan Mountain Foundation at the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy--a fun way to challenge your physical strength and endurance while exercising in open space with fellow enthusiasts.  This new series will consist of both hikes and bike rides.  The Challenge Series is led by David O’ Connor, San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy Conservation Manager.

Sunday, August 4
7:00AM, FREE
Volcan Mountain Climb
5 miles out and back
Details: Hike up the mile-high Volcan Mountain, the source of the San Dieguito River. Meet at the Volcan Mountain Trailhead. If you have any questions, please contact, David O’Connor, at david@sdrvc.org.